Suiseki is the art of contemplating rocks, whose shapes were carved by the force of nature, or whose natural colors remember something.
"Suiseki" is by itself a form of art, are rocks collected in nature, which are appreciated by its shapes that resemble landscapes, forms of people or plants and animals, these rocks after collected cannot be painted or sculpted, being exposed in magnificent exhibitors (Daí) developed especially for each case.
As Bonsai, Suiseki art originated in China, the first references are from the Xia Dynasty (2500-1766) a.C. ), they were described as “a beautiful and noble stones, which they represented, gorges, mountains, islands or valleys”.
The word Suiseki is an abbreviation of Sansuikeiseki:
San Francisco == sync, corrected by elderman ==
Sui = Water
Key == sync, corrected by elderman ==
Seki == sync, corrected by elderman ==
In order for a rock to be considered a Suiseki, it must have several qualities, the most important being the power of suggestion.
The Suiseki are evaluated based on three criteria: hardness and surface (Shitsu), contour and shape (Katachi) and color (Iro).
The current classification system divides Suiseki into 3 large groups:
Keisho-ishi or Rocks object – They resemble forms of animals, people, etc...
Biseki or precious rocks - They're appreciated for their colors and drawings.
Sansuikeiseki or Rocks landscape – Miniaturizam forms of nature, mountains, valleys, islands, etc...
In the agitation of everyday life, in which stress is word of order, a Suiseki is the ideal piece to create a space of peace and serenity, suitable for meditation either at home or at work.